Letter from the Founder

As human lifespans continue to grow longer, we’re facing a curious problem: while we’re living longer, our health isn’t necessarily keeping up. Dr. Felipe Sierra pointed out that between 1998 and 2006, our lifespans increased by a whopping eight years, which seems like a fantastic achievement for the world of biomedicine. But here’s the twist—we’ve become victims of our success (NIH, 2021).
You see, diseases like cardiovascular issues, heart attacks, cancer, and strokes are rising, outpacing our extended lifespans. Our body’s operating system is running into some serious bugs. When born, we come equipped with these superhero-like regenerating mechanisms that help us ward off diseases and keep our bodily systems in tip-top shape. These systems cover everything from our skin, bones, and muscles. However, as we age, these regenerating mechanisms start to wear down, like a well-loved but aging superhero losing their powers.

we’re living longer, our health isn’t necessarily keeping up

SempreFit’s story began in 2017 as several fitness and wellness programs uniquely tailored for individuals over 40, primarily promoting longevity. However, it quickly evolved into something more profound – a vibrant community of like-minded individuals embarking on a fascinating exploration of aging. They dared to question the essence of aging and whether it’s conceivable to slow down, halt, or even reverse its less desirable effects.
Fast forward to today, and SempreFit continues on this captivating journey. Their unwavering mission is to catalyze the advancement of groundbreaking medical discoveries, healthier lifestyles, and innovative approaches that empower people to live longer and with robust health and vitality. They aim to extend life well beyond what was once considered the “expected life span.” Join us in this remarkable pursuit of a longer, healthier, and more vibrant life!

Our vision is to collaborate with major players in the regenerative field to extend the average human lifespan over the next decade, all while steadily elongating the period of good health and diminishing age-related illnesses. We intend to achieve this by implementing cutting-edge methodologies of new-age medicine, regenerative medicine, CRISPR, stem cell, and gene therapies.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to research and develop permanent solutions to slow, stop, and reverse aging-related diseases at the cellular level through biomedicine, gene therapy, data analytics, and AI, thus extending life and health span and enabling a better quality of life for older adults.

Short-Term Goals – SempreFit is currently focused on achieving the following immediate objectives:
– Secure Funding and Partnerships:
We are actively seeking financial backing and partnerships with individuals, scientific community groups, biohackers, peers, and organizations. These collaborations will help advance our research efforts to slow, halt, or even reverse the aging process.
– Establish an In-House Aging Research Lab: We aim to set up an internal research and development laboratory to study aging-related processes and solutions.
– Build a Collaborative Network: We aspire to connect, collaborate with, and exchange knowledge with aging research experts. This will enable us to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge anti-aging research and innovative techniques.
– Collaborate, Educate, and Inform the Public: We are committed to providing the public with education and updates on the progress of aging research. We will also share practical methods for achieving a longer and healthier life as part of our mission.

Long-Term Goals:
The goal is to become a visionary leader in the field of aging research, akin to the impact Steve Jobs had in the tech industry. This involves extending the average human lifespan within the next decade while also increasing the period of healthy living and decreasing age-related diseases. Collaborating with both national and international research organizations to enhance health span and mitigate age-related diseases is a key part of the strategy. Ultimately, the mission is to enable individuals to enjoy better health as they grow older.

What is longevity research:
Longevity research, also known as aging research or gerontology, is a diverse field of scientific exploration that seeks to understand the biological processes and mechanisms responsible for aging and find ways to extend people’s healthy lifespans. The main objectives of longevity research include promoting healthy aging, delaying the onset of age-related illnesses, and enhancing the quality of life in old age. Important areas within longevity research include stem cell and gene therapy research, Biological Aging Mechanisms, Genetics of Aging, New-Age Medicine, Regenerative therapies research, data collection and analytics, Surveys, peer reviews, CRISPR, DNA/RNA, Cellular Senescence, Inflammation and Immunity, Caloric Restriction and Dietary Interventions, Pharmacological Interventions, Telomeres, Biomedical Interventions, Ethical and Societal Implications, Clinical Trials.

Your support can be a world of difference, whether it’s a one-time contribution starting at just $1 or a recurring monthly donation at an amount that suits you best. Together, let’s revolutionize the way we approach aging. Thank you for being a part of the solution.