Genotype: This is your genetic “behind-the-scenes” script. It’s like having a backstage pass to a movie set. Your genotype is a bit like the director’s secret notes, telling the actors (your genes) what lines to say and how to act. These notes are written in a special genetic language, like “Aa” or “BB,” which is the gene version of “Action!” or “Cut!” It’s your unique genetic blueprint, kind of like your very own secret recipe for making you!
Phenotype: Now, your phenotype is the big Hollywood premiere of your life. It’s what the audience sees on the big screen. It’s the result of all those behind-the-scenes genetic instructions coming to life. Your phenotype is like the movie itself, the showstopper where you strut your stuff.
For instance, if your genotype says “blue eyes,” your phenotype is when someone says, “Wow, those are some stunning sapphire peepers!” It’s your genetic script’s funny and fabulous outcome, complete with all the twists and surprises.
So, your genotype is the genetic script, and your phenotype is the star-studded, sometimes comically unexpected, movie that is you!
The way I remember it is that genotype is what it could be from many possibilities, while Phenotype is what you end up with from those possibilities. Pheno I associated with fin, meaning end/results. (I hope that works for you)