Think of your DNA as the instruction manual for building and running your body – it’s like the recipe book for making you, right? Well, the epigenome is like the chef’s secret notes scribbled all over those recipes.

You see, your DNA is a fixed recipe, like a chocolate chip cookie recipe that never changes. But the epigenome is like the chef’s notes saying, “Bake these cookies at 350°F for 10 minutes, and add extra chocolate chips if you’re in a good mood.” It’s the chef’s way of making each batch of cookies a little different, even though the recipe stays the same.

So, the epigenome is like those quirky chef’s notes on your DNA, telling your body when and how to use its genes, all with a dash of personality and a sprinkle of life’s experiences. It’s why you’re not just a bland, identical clone of your neighbor, even though you both started with the same DNA recipe book!


In essence, the epigenome doesn’t alter the actual text in those notes (your DNA sequence), but it controls which parts of the books are read and when. This dynamic system helps your body respond to its needs and adapt to different situations, making you who you are.

Epigenome in simple terms