Genotype: This is your genetic “behind-the-scenes” script. It’s like having a backstage pass to a movie set. Your genotype is a bit like the director’s secret notes, telling the actors (your genes) what lines to say and how to act.
Genes, Chromosomes, and DNA oh my!
Here is a simple way to understand the difference between DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes: DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid): Consider DNA the ultimate instruction manual for building and operating you! (yes, you are the end product!) It’s like the recipe for a
Epigenome in simple terms
Think of your DNA as the instruction manual for building and running your body – it’s like the recipe book for making you, right? Well, the epigenome is like the chef’s secret notes scribbled all over those recipes. You see,
Can a person be of different ages throughout their body?
Have you ever seen a person whose biological age is in his/her 50s but perform and look like in their 30S? A person might look and feel a certain age on the outside (e.g., 30 years old) while their organs
Is The Fountain of Youth Hidden in Stem Cells
Stem cells are a unique and remarkable type of cell with the extraordinary ability to develop into a wide variety of specialized cell types within the body. They also possess the capacity for self-renewal, which means they can divide and
Can an Epigenetic clock predict my death?
Have you ever wondered how scientists can tell the age of your cells, even if you don’t look or feel that age? That’s where epigenetic clocks come in. Imagine these clocks as tiny markers on your DNA that change as
What is DNA Methylation
Ok, In simple terms, DNA methylation is a natural process that involves the addition of small chemical tags called “methyl groups” to the DNA molecule. These methyl groups can be considered tiny “flags” attached to specific parts of the DNA
step by step Yamanaka factor Process
Here is a step-by-step description of the process involving the Yamanaka factors, which is the reprogramming of adult cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Here’s a detailed breakdown: Step 1: Gather Adult Cells Step 2: Introduce Yamanaka Factors Step
What are the Yamanaka factors?
The Yamanaka factors refer to a group of genes that play a crucial role in a groundbreaking scientific discovery related to cellular reprogramming and stem cell research. These factors were discovered by Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka in 2006 and have
Age-related signs
Age-related signs can vary from person to person. They may appear at different rates, but here is a list of common age-related signs and changes that many individuals may experience as they grow older: It’s important to note that while